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What can the Mars rover tell us about climate change on Earth?

"Nasa's new rover will hunt for signs of martian climate change, and in doing so will shed light on what's going on back home"


Make cycling proficiency a compulsory part of driving licence

"Drivers should take cycling lessons – it will give them firsthand experience of what it's like to ride a bike on the roads"

Category: Transport


Drone to probe Sellafield silos

"'Hexacopter' being developed to map the inside of radioactive silos as part of the decommissioning and cleaning process "


Biofuels: Drought-stricken American corn should feed people, not cars

"It is wrong to use scarce corn crops in the US for ethanol, but at least higher food and gas prices may boost sustainable farming"


Biofuels: Drought worsens in midwest and threatens next year's corn crop

"Obama administration under growing pressure to end support for corn ethanol as gas and food prices continue to rise"

Displaying results 171 to 175 out of 2977